Paris Kassinos

Acts of Violence

Violence of man is not a phenomenon of the last centuries. It exists from the very beginning. Close to the end of his career, Freud wrote that in man there is an inborn impulse for aggression. Violence is not so much learned from the environment, it exists inside of us and wants release. The British […]

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Ordinary Men

When Freud (1920) wrote that there appears to be in man an inborn drive for aggression and destruction it created a reaction in the fields of psychoanalysis (and not only). Up until that point the only drive that existed for Freud was the libidinal/life drive or sexual drive. Two decades later, the atrocities of the

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Immature leaders

We have the tendency to connect maturity with age and expect people of certain age and position to have a mature way of thinking and handling of situations. A brief look at the daily news though shows the real picture of the level of maturity people have especially those that govern the world. I was

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“People are strange when you’re a stranger, faces look ugly when you’re alone…”

Ever wondered why some song lyrics appear in your mind unexpectedly and you find yourself crooning thinking where did this song come from? Driving outside a high school I started singing the lyrics of Jim Morrison’s song “People are strange.” Coincidence? Schools bring up memories and feelings (some unconscious) from our own childhood and adolescence.

“People are strange when you’re a stranger, faces look ugly when you’re alone…” Read More »